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Subject Verb Agreement Mcq Test Class 9Th

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar that ensures clarity and coherence in writing. Understanding the grammatical rules of subject-verb agreement is vital for effective communication in both written and spoken language. If you`re a 9th-grade student, you will likely come across several subject-verb agreement questions in your English exams. Therefore, it`s crucial to be familiar with the basic concepts of subject-verb agreement.

A multiple-choice question (MCQ) test is a common way of assessing an individual`s knowledge in a specific subject area. In the case of subject-verb agreement, an MCQ test can help students understand the concept better and improve their writing and speaking skills.

Here are some sample subject-verb agreement MCQ questions that can help you prepare for your English exams:

1. Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The group of singers are performing tonight.

B. The group of singers is performing tonight.

C. The group of singers were performing tonight.

Answer: B

Explanation: When the subject is a group of people, the verb should be in the singular form, even though the subject is plural. Therefore, the correct sentence is “The group of singers is performing tonight.”

2. Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The dog, as well as the cats, were chasing each other.

B. The dog, as well as the cats, was chasing each other.

C. The dog, as well as the cats, are chasing each other.

Answer: B

Explanation: When the subject is a compound subject joined by “as well as,” the verb should agree with the first subject, which is singular. Therefore, the correct sentence is “The dog, as well as the cats, was chasing each other.”

3. Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. Neither the students nor the teacher has arrived yet.

B. Neither the students nor the teacher have arrived yet.

C. Neither the students or the teacher have arrived yet.

Answer: B

Explanation: When the subject is a compound subject joined by “neither…nor,” the verb should agree with the nearest subject. Therefore, the correct sentence is “Neither the students nor the teacher have arrived yet.”

4. Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

A. Each of the boys have their own uniform.

B. Each of the boys has their own uniform.

C. Each of the boys has his own uniform.

Answer: C

Explanation: When the subject is “each,” the verb should be in the singular form, and the pronoun should agree with the subject in gender. Therefore, the correct sentence is “Each of the boys has his own uniform.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is essential in ensuring proper communication in English. By mastering the basics of subject-verb agreement and practicing through MCQ tests, you can improve your writing and speaking skills. Remember to pay close attention to the subject and verb in each sentence and to choose the verb that agrees with the subject in number and tense. Good luck with your exams!